
Our Services

Plurimi leverages the ecosystem it has created across the leading custodians, asset management, investment banking and asset financing firms around the world to deliver ideas, solutions and results to our clients.

Private Asset
Administration Services

Wealth Management

  • Assist with Selection of Custodians / Banks
  • Portfolio Construction
  • Consolidated Reporting
  • Investment Advisory
  • Discretionary Services (In-house & Third Party Access)
  • Outsourced CIO Capabilities

Investment Management

Plurimi Artificial Intelligence Equity Screening tool

Our AI and Machine learning technology assesses thousands of stocks every day, incorporating changes in consensus estimates, target prices, recommendations, reported financial statements, daily performance relative to country and sector. It identifies drivers of expected stock performance based on this information.

AI guides stock selection by identifying stocks with strong growth, positive momentum and attractive value to own and expensive stocks with deteriorating fundamentals to short.

Our process uses AI to assist humans, rather than replace humans from portfolio management.

Benefits of Using AI

  • Allows fast and thorough assessment of information to identify possible investment opportunities and risks.
  • AI distils fundamental factors for each stock to assess their relative and absolute attractiveness.
  • As well as bottom-up assessment, the software captures global macro drivers implied from various financial asset classes for top-down insights and identification of which stocks should fare better in different macro environments.
  • Generates buy and sell signals and alerts to help time appropriate portfolio actions.
  • Guides us with ideas to improve portfolio diversification and identifies risk mitigating ideas.

Discover the range of our investment solutions

Plurimi Structured Solutions

Plurimi acts as a distributor of structured products issued by major banks through its Plurimi Structured Solutions team which specialise in bespoke solutions for a diverse client base across multiple regions. Using our
deep industry experience across all asset classes, and our passion for developing both strong and trusted client relationships, we can offer a wide and innovative range of solutions to meet professional investors’ needs.

Plurimi Structured Solutions is a division of Plurimi Wealth LLP Please contact Richard Baker for further information.

Private Asset Administration Services

Predominantly for large institutions and family offices, PAAS helps clients with the administration, reporting, monitoring and analysis of their private asset portfolios.

Please contact Ekaterina Andreeva for further information.